The residents of SPC Retirement Village joined the Lenten Retreat on 13th March, 2024
On Wednesday 13th March, 32 residents of St. Paul attended the first three hours of Lenten Retreat.
We met in the Chapel at 9 am, where we attended Mass, offered for us by Carmelite Priest Fr. Matthew. Mass was followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and an hour of silent prayer. During this time many took advantage of going to confession, then at 11.30am Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament took place, which completed our morning of prayer and reflection.
At 2pm we then meet at the Community centre, where we were joined by another 10 to 15 residents for an hour of reflection and discussion , led by Fr. Matthew
Father played two beautiful hymns called “the Pilgrims hymn and Christ Has No Body But Yours”, then we were asked to form into small group and discuss how we were affected by the music and reflect on how we could carry the message we learnt through to our daily lives.
We learnt of God’s unceasing love for us and to surrender all our illnesses and problems to Him and learn to Trust in Him at all time.
The retreat finished at 3pm, followed by afternoon tea.
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