New South Wales
| Apostolate:
Moss Vale Community
In 1986, the Sisters opened Aurora College, a co-educational senior boarding school for overseas students. The College had only 13 Year 11 students on the first day of school. In January 1987, the student population rose to 65. With excellent academic results in the NSW HSC, highly qualified, caring staff; safe, peaceful boarding environment, and attentive pastoral care, student enrolment continued to increase. By 1990, there were more than 200 students.
In 1998, Sr. Angelina FONG became the Director of the College and Aurora College took on a new name – St. Paul’s International College. At present, six Sisters are actively engaged in the College as: Director of the College, nursing Sister, teacher, Pastoral career, and office administrator. A young Sister is furthering her professional studies and trainings in university.
Throughout the years, the College had faced many crises and challenges: builders’ strikes, the SAR epidemic, economic depression in Asia, new visa requirements, political instability in Asia, fluctuating exchange rates and increasing competition for Asian students to study in Australia. And recently, the devastating Covid-19 pandemic. Thanks to the tremendous efforts, courage, cooperation, prayers and sacrifices on the part of the Sisters and staff, the College was able to overcome those crises which, for a time, had almost threatened its very existence.
Today, the College has greatly improved and developed its physical infrastructure. The library especially has undergone an extensive renovation and new digitized services are introduced to provide easy access to the much broader range of materials now available. Among other new additions are 14 new, modern classrooms, a Visual Arts Centre and a new Boarding House.
SPIC offers the NSW HSC Course, the New South Wales University Foundation Year Course, the ESL Course and Year 10 Certificate Course to students from all over the world.
Student Sisters of our Congregation from Asia, Africa and Europe have also come to study English at the College and their presence have enriched us, providing continuous inspiration for both students and staff alike.
Although less than one per cent of our students are Catholic, they have contributed to the liturgical life of the parish by serving Mass as altar -servers and as choir members. A number of students during the past years, responding to the grace of God, have requested catechetical instructions from the Sisters and were baptized as Catholics before leaving our College. All of the College community – Catholic and non-Catholic alike- and many local parishioners were touched by the Journey of the World Youth Day Cross and Icon hosted by the College in March 2008.
Lane Cove Community
In addition to serving the international students from Moss Vale during term breaks from 1991 to 2004 as ‘a home-away-from-home’ our Sisters in Lane Cove were, from the outset, actively involved in various areas of the apostolate: visiting the sick and the aged, teaching religion in the parish and in the public schools, giving catechism classes to children and adults in Chinese Catholic Communities and conducting Bible study groups. They also used their artistic talents to make handicrafts to raise funds for the Youth Of The Streets organization run by Fr. Chris Riley SDB.
At present, there are two Sisters living in this community. Besides being involved in the usual pastoral responsibilities, one of them also teaches Religious Studies at St. Paul’s International College, and has also been serving as a ‘spiritual companion’ to groups of Asian students in different universities with faith-sharing and faith-building sessions. Another Sister serves in the Chinese Chaplaincy in the Parramatta Diocese.
This community has also been a home-away-from-home for some of our young Sisters who have come from different Asian countries to study English or to further their professional training.
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