St. Paul Novitiate
2011 | Two young Vietnamese girls who studied in Melbourne contacted the Sisters in Mentone community and asked to be accompanied in discerning their vocation in life. After a few months, they began staying with the Sisters in the convent. On 25 March they were received into Aspirancy in Brisbane, and with other Aspirants who came from Vietnam, they were being prepared for their entry into Postulancy in the following year. |
2012 | On 24 May, the St Paul de Chartres Novitiate Australia in Brisbane was officially opened by Rev. Mother Myriam Kitcharoen, Superior General of the Sisters of St Paul de Chartres, and blessed by the Most Rev Joseph Oudeman CFM Cap - Auxiliary Sr. Marie Madeleine Cai Thi Hong A from Danang, Vietnam was appointed by Mother General, Mother Myriam Kitcharoen, as the Novice Mistress in Australia. She arrived Boronia Heights on 5 September. |
2013 | On 2 February, 6 Postulants were admitted to the Novitiate and 3 Aspirants entered the Postulancy. On 23 September, Sr. Madeleine Cai Thi Hong A had to leave Brisbane for Rome, Italy to take up her new role as one of the General Assistants to the newly elected Mother General, Mother Maria Goretti LEE. Sr Teresa Lau, District Superior, upon her returned from Rome, took charge of the Novitiate until the new Novices Formator arrived from Vietnam. On 18 December, Sr. Inede Kim Ngoc PHAM arrived Brisbane from Saigon, Vietnam to replace Sr. Madeleine as the new Novice Mistress. |
2015 | On 2 February, our first 6 Novices made their First Profession in the presence of Rev. Mother Maria Goretti LEE, Superior General, who received their Vows. Three Novices made their First Profession on the Feast of the Assumption, 15 August, in the presence of Sr Teresa Lau, District Superior, at the St Paul de Chartres Chapel at Boronia Heights. The Joy was shared among families and friends of the Professed. |
2017 | The 3rd group of Novices made their First Profession on the Feast of St Peter and St Paul on 29 June in the presence of Sr Teresa Lau, District Superior, at the St Bernardine Parish. The families and friends joined in the celebration of the occasion. |
2019 |
On 15 August, 2 Junior Sisters made their Perpetual Profession at the St Paul de Chartres Chapel, Boronia Heights, Brisbane amidst the pride, joy and comfort of their parents, friends, Sisters, parishioners and the Aged Care residents and staff. |
At present, we have 3 Aspirants being prepared for entry for religious formation. May God bless them and grant them the grace of attentiveness and perseverance.
We give thanks to God for showing His tremendous mercy and love by providing us with “new blood” for our Congregation in Australia.
We thank our first Australian Saint, Mary McKillop who answers our prayers. We implore her to continue interceding for us before our Lord Jesus Christ to send us local candidates to join us in furthering His Kingdom and spreading His Good News.
We owe our deep gratitude to Mary, our Blessed Mother who watches over us unceasingly with her maternal love and care.
May St. Paul – our patron continue to plead for us before the throne of God; and may we, Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres be forever faithful to God the Holy Spirit in our journey towards holiness and fulfilment of God’s divine plan in our life with total availability, simplicity and joy!
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