| Apostolate:
Brisbane, Boronia Heights
The State of Queensland is known also as the Sunshine State. Here the State is filled with the world’s beautiful beaches, the Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise and the Barrier Reef and so on. The total population of the State is over 5 million.
Brisbane is the Capital of Queensland. In the last 20 years, great changes have taken place in the Capital: population has climbed from half a million to over 2.5 million; the city has been transformed from former farmlands to modern city especially in the south-east part of the State.
In year 2009 both the State and the Archdiocese of Brisbane celebrated their 150th Anniversary.
The second mission of the District of Australia began in December 1989. Sister Lucie Ko, Sr Teresa Lau and Sr Nancy Wong were the first three Sisters assigned to this Mission from Hong Kong. With the support and help from the Archdiocese of Brisbane, the Sisters soon established a Residential Aged home for the Australian and ethnic aged population. Now the St Paul de Chartres Residential Aged Care offers 86 Independent Living Units to the self- care retirees and 98 aging residents.
The Community of the Sisters is located adjacent to the Residential Aged Care. At present, there are 13 Sisters in the Community. Some young Sisters are studying nursing, administration, and Diversional Therapist. These young Sisters also work in the Residential Aged Care. The sisters serve as Director, Finance administrator, Pastoral Career and Personal careers.
Apart from serving in the Residential Aged Care, the Sisters are also actively involved in the local parishes, Brisbane Chinese Community, Vietnamese Community, and Indian Community teaching catechism, engaging in Liturgical and Eucharistic ministers, youth ministry, the Legion of Mary, Bible Sharing groups and prayer groups.
Brisbane, Springfield Lakes
At the request of Rev. Mauro Conte, parish priest of Our Lady of the Southern Cross Parish at Springfield Lakes and with the support and approval of the Archbishop of Brisbane, the Most Rev. Mark Coleridge, three Sisters were sent by Sr. Teresa LAU, the District Superior to start a new community at Springfield Lakes on 14 February, 2015, and officially began their apostolic ministries in the parish.
Being a new and multicultural parish, the Sisters’ first tasks were to organize the Sacramental Preparation Programs to instruct children from Government and non-Catholic schools for the reception of the Sacraments; to assist in the parish office, and participate actively in ALPHA, in Youth ministry, the St. Vincent de Paul Society and in Children’s Liturgy. They also visit the sick at home and give Holy Communion to them. From time to time, the Sisters invite young people aspiring to priesthood or religious life to join them in Eucharistic Adoration held in the convent and journey with them in discerning God’s call.
At present, one Sister in the community is a full-time pastoral coordinator at St. Paul de Chartres Residential Aged Care (SPRAC). The young Sisters are studying for their professional training at the universities, but during the week-ends they are also engaged in the pastoral ministries at the parish and at the SPRAC.At present, one Sister in the community is a full-time pastoral coordinator at St. Paul de Chartres Residential Aged Care (SPRAC). The young Sisters are studying for their professional training at the universities, but during the week-ends they are also engaged in the pastoral ministries at the parish and at the SPRAC.
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